This Marquee Hire business was established in 1984 and has been operating under the same ownership for the past 28 years. It is a BEE rated company.
Although the core business is the hiring of marquees, the business has so much more to offer and thereby increasing its earning potential. Furniture, glassware, linens, lighting, staging, flooring, equipment and accessories are all readily available for the client. Toilets, Catering and Air-conditioning are outsourced items.
Advertising is via the website and is highly informative. After visiting the website not only have you got an excellent visual of what to expect in terms of the marquee styles, there are also lots of tips to assist you in your decision making and making your planned event a success.
Added services include event management, event planning, entertainment, floristry, photography and more.
There is a broad range of temporary structures for the client to choose from. Only the highest quality products, equipment and materials are used. There is no limit to what functions can be done and these include but are not limited to weddings, corporate functions, music and wine festivals, exhibitions, year end functions.
This business needs a certain type of owner. It will not suit someone who wants to sit back as you have to think on your feet. The person should be a peoples person, hands on, hard working and have the financial capability.
In this type of business very often you are dealing with the softer side of event management such as the décor therefore, someone from the hospitality industry would be a likely candidate.
The owner is willing to stay on and share the trade secrets and assist the new owner to uphold the outstanding name this business has enjoyed for so many years. The owner is certainly not desperate to sell but is looking at retiring.
The business is selling at R6,600,000.00.